It is that time of the year where we all like to do things that we enjoy and sometimes that might be nothing at all! But, what if God did the same thing? We are so grateful that He doesn't stop loving us even for one second. Oh I know there I times when we wonder if He hasn't just took off and abandon us, but the reality is at those times we left Him. We forgot His words of love, encouragement and divine guidance for our lives and tried to things our own way, but He never stopped loving us.
So I want to encourage you to take a little time this summer to return some of that love and appreciation back to the one who gave you life and an abundance of blessings by sharing those gifts with those around you. Yes, you can do it. Through simple surprising acts of kindness anyone can. You will blow people away with your unusual and refreshing acts of kindness. The "Connect card" delivers God's message of love and grace for them through Jesus. Gifts, that like the act of kindness they just received, cannot be earned or bought at any price. On the back of the card provide them with an invite to your place of worship/your school or maybe a youth activity...anything where they can learn more about the love that Jesus has for them. The ideas, the cards, and more are all free just by signing up at The link to the program will be immediately provided. No catch, no spam - just encouragement to join with believers in 108 countries around the world who are already sharing Christ's love in their communities through kindness!