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Writer's pictureLee Larsen

Sowing the Seeds of the Spirit through Love!

Galatians 6:7-10 "But the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone."

There is heavy pressure by society to give up. Give up our faith or at least keep it to ourselves, which means the same thing. For if we do not speak out against the things that are not of God then we are saying to everyone He doesn't matter. The results of our inaction are everywhere in our society today. There is something you can do to build both faith & Kingdom and it is amazingly simple!

Deliberately plan for you and/or your group to go out and do simple surprising acts of kindness to anyone and everyone that the Holy Spirit sends your way. Hand the recipients of your act of kindness a small "Christian Kindness Card", which connects the act of kindness they just received to the love and grace that Jesus freely has for them. Gifts that cannot be earned or bought at any price. On the back of the card you provide them with an invite to your place of worship, school, youth activity, and so on. No pressure, it's just an expression of God's love for them. But...when it comes to the things of God, we should not be surprised when miraculous things happen! Through surprising and emotional testimonies and precision timing you are left with absolutely no doubt as to His divine presence. Powerful and unforgettable "God moments" take place because you took a little time to love on others in His name.

The P.A.C.K. Outreach program will provide you what you need to get started and it is totally free! Simply sign up at: and the link to the program will be immediately provided. No catch, no spam - just our prayers that the Lord will bless you as He has us over the past 20 years of doing monthly P.A.C.K. outreach events. Amen!

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