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Writer's picture: Lee LarsenLee Larsen

Then if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Specifically WAKE UP CHRISTIANS! Take note that the famous frequently used Bible verse above says "If My people". Those are the family of believers in God and in the priceless blessings that we receive through Jesus Christ His Son. Here God is addressing those who already believe. What is He telling us? We are to humble ourselves (we are sinful beings who deserve eternal condemnation), we are to pray (on our knees asking for His forgiveness and SEEK His ways), and TURN from Our WICKED Ways.

You can try to twist God's word to make it say what you want it to say in an effort to make yourself comfortable, but how much more clear can God make this? We supposedly are already believers and if we take the time to read ALL God's word we see clearly ALL the things that the Father detests that we do, not just stopping at, in Christ we receive complete forgiveness. Here we see clearly that the love of the Father is just that, a pure love for His children for them to do what is right and to protect them from harm. Not that He puts a forcefield around us, but through His word He lays before us the path that will bring us fullness of life with true meaning & purpose. He warns us of the consequences of following are sinful desires and of the devils temptations. God is telling His people to turn from what we should clearly already know are our wicked ways, as defined in the Holy Scriptures, then He will forgive our sins and restore our land.

When we truly humble ourselves and let the Holy Spirit take over our very soul then we should clearly see through all the lies and the glitz that Satan and his pawns use to distract us with, and realize the true pain, suffering, and death being created by every one of our sinful actions. All they want us to see is the compassion side leading us to accept and even embrace the very things that are creating death and destruction in the darkness. God's word shines the light on all of this and that is why Satan is working so hard to silence His word or to contort it to make it seem these things are acceptable, but the true consequences remain. They use "Science" to attack the very existence of God, but silence it when it clearly shows the gross impact of what is happening in the darkness.

God does not want His children to succumb to our sins or lose our soul to Satan. He gives us a freewill to seek and find Him and realize just what a priceless loving Father He is. We need His loving word for our lives, we need His Son's loving grace and forgiveness to give us that hope in the promise of eternal life. Yes, we are to love one another just as God loves us, that is a Father's love that praises, uplifts, comforts, but also provides correction when we wander from the path. These are not suggestions because the consequences are real and unforgiving.

Only a small portion of the true impact of our sins is actually revealed to us through our social media, like that isn't bad enough! What we see/hear is often just the culmination of what God's word describes:

James 1:15 Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

But when the media and the education system has bought into Satan's lies then the silencing of the facts is deafening. Just a few decades ago Hollywood went to great extremes to raise awareness and millions of dollars of support to find a cure for AIDS. "It is ALL our problem so please give generously!". Today we hear nothing, absolutely nothing about AIDS and we are being forced to embrace every lifestyle and sexual perversion humans can think of. What is never mentioned? That 50+ million lives are gone in our world and we lose another million plus every year from it. Today with very expensive drugs that the taxpayers cover and the careful use of condoms and other preventive measures and vaccines one can manage to stay alive for many years. So, those with all this at their disposal, there is no longer a death sentence. There are one million new cases of STDs every DAY in our world. No pain, suffering, and death to see here, just keep promoting live free and do whatever feels good.

When the true freedom is found in Jesus Christ. His words are true and truly bring life!

Please spread that word to ALL people through loving kindness and your Connect Card that gives Jesus all the glory & invite the recipients to church! The FREE no catch PACK Program will help you to get started. God bless!


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